The following hotels offer a limited number of rooms with a discounted price, especially for the ISPTS-2024 participants, if booking is made before 1/6/2024. Besides the hotels listed below, a variety of choices with the help of AirBnb is also provided and instructions to get a possible discount are also provided.
For reservations use this special LINK for ISPTS2024 conference participants. Cut off date 30/6/2024.
You may see details about the hotel and its location here:
To book a room contact the hotel using the email: info<at> OR geraniot<at> and mention ISPTS2024.
You may see details about the hotel and its location here.
To make a reservation contact the hotel by this email: alkionidesaprts2<at> and mention ISPTS2024 conference.
Explore availability of rooms by AirBnb through this link.
Once you have chosen the place, in the inquiry – contact host form mention that this booking is for the ISPTS2024 Conference, and the airbnb personnel will let you know what is the reduction offered for the establishment you selected.